Welcome Young Marrieds!

Welcome to the Watkinsville First Baptist Young Marrieds blog! Here you can find out the details of events, post pictures of your little ones to share, and let everyone know of any needs you may have or prayer request. You might just want to let everyone know about a weekend party at your house... the possibilities are endless! We hope that you utilize this blog in order to communicate with the fellow believers in our class.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey guys! We are looking forward to having everybody over to the house on Saturday! Party starts at 5 and goes until whenever! The directions to the house are easy. We live at 100 Cambridge Drive. In the Mall area, turn at Starbucks/Rafferty's. Stay straight on Huntington Rd. until the road dead ends at the gate. The gate code is #1010. We are the first house on the right. I am also posting everything that you guys signed up to bring.

Tankersleys- Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Sweet Tea
Mauldins- Buffalo Chicken Dip, plates, plastic ware
Cardens- Buns, dessert
Wells- Pasta salad, ice
Lancasters- Hashbrown casserole
Tanners- Baked beans
Penixs- Chips
Dixons- Dessert
Woelfls- 2-Liters
Andersons- Macaroni and Cheese

If everybody comes who is on the list we will have 20 people plus kids. But the more the merrier! Pass the word along that the directions and notes are on the blog. Our numbers are---Ross- 706-621-3610 and Abby- 706-621-3506. Feel free to call us for anything!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Prayer Request from the Andersons

Hi guys!
Jon and I have asked you before to pray for our decision regarding his next duty station/staying in or getting out of the Army. Well, we have some specific options that we can give you guys now if you would be so sweet to continue to pray about that for us. We will be making this decision by the end of the week. Here are the options we've narrowed it down to:

1. Ranger Regiment Company Command
2. Congressional Fellowship/Masters Degree Program in D.C.
3. Return to "normal Army" at Fort Benning (close to our home...also this one would lead to a good opportunity to get out in a year or so).

Obviously, our considerations in all of these will be family time, ministry opportunities in each unit, proximity to home, etc.

We want you all to know how grateful we are for all of you and for being able to bring this request to you, knowing that you will faithfully lift it to our Father for us. Our prayer is that He will make His will clear to us - abundantly so that we won't mess it up!! :) He has graciously done this for us with our decisions thus far in the Army, closing doors He didn't intend for us to go through.

Thank you so much, and we'll let you know what we decide Sunday!
Mandy and Jon

It's A BOY!!!

Sam got his wish! We are having another boy! He is very healthy, 100% boy, and extremely active. Thanks so much for your prayers, and we are so thankful for such great friends!


John, Morgan, and Sam

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Prayer Request

Staci Hood emailed me a prayer request to send to everyone since they were not in town this morning. Please be in prayer for Jason's grandmother. She was put in the hospital yesterday for congestive heart failure. She has had heart problems for years & is currently on oxygen & has had a pacemaker for years. The Hoods are going to to visit today and tomorrow and have asked us to pray for her, her name is Wilma Anderson.

Please also remember all the requests made in ABF this morning and lift up your brothers and sisters this week in prayer. Hogan Dominy's blog is hogandominy.blogspot.com if you were interested in reading that. We'll be looking for updates tomorrow from the Ransoms and the Cardens.