Welcome Young Marrieds!

Welcome to the Watkinsville First Baptist Young Marrieds blog! Here you can find out the details of events, post pictures of your little ones to share, and let everyone know of any needs you may have or prayer request. You might just want to let everyone know about a weekend party at your house... the possibilities are endless! We hope that you utilize this blog in order to communicate with the fellow believers in our class.

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years Eve

John and I would like to invite anyone who wants to come to our house for New Years Eve. I don't get off work until 6:00, so we would start around 7:00. If you would like to come, please bring a finger food and a game if you have one you like. We will provide paper products, drinks, and ice. Please reply if you plan to come and let us know what you are bringing.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tankersley update

Merry Christmas! hope all have had a good week! We wanted to inform everyone of a loss in Abby's family. on friday morning abby's uncle, Brett DeMott, was tragically murdered in his home by an intruder. This loss is terrible enough and compounded even more in this season of family time. me and ab are not going to make abf in the morning as we are trying to get abby ready to go to moultrie several days earlier than planned. The visitation is sunday at 4 and the funeral is monday afternoon.
please pray for abby's family as they deal with this tragedy. specifically abby's dad, Mike, abby's grandmother, Mrs. Gwen, and all of Uncle Brett's children and grandchildren.
An arrest has already been made in the incident. also pray for the wisdom and vigilance for the colquitt county sheriffs department as they investigate further.
we wish all of you the best christmas and new years if we don't get to see you before then! thank you all for your support during this trying time!
-abby and ross

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bibles and Letters for Families...

On Tuesday night December 15th @ 6:00 @ The Woelfl's House, we will be wrapping Bibles and writing letters to the families that we are giving the items that we bought for. We want to show them the love of Christ and be able to share the gospel with them through a letter. If you are interested, we would love to have you share in this experience. We know that some of you get off of work late and we also know that it is a school night, so we understand if you are not able to make it. We just figured that everyone's weekends are filled this close the Christmas. Please bring $5 dollars if you would like for us to get your family a Domino's pizza. Please let me know if you will be coming by leaving a comment under this post...that way I know how many pizzas to get. Our address is 2044 Windfield Drive, Monroe 30655. Hope to see you there!

Prayer Request from Sunday, December 13th...

Shelley Tanner - Her friend Allison will be having surgery on her tumors on Monday at 10:30am
Stacie Lancaster - Her college roomate (Kaite Jones) found tumors in her breast
Stacie Hood - Her friend coming home from Afghanistan for Christmas
Michael and Shelly Mauldin - A safe delivery and healthy baby (Due date January 3rd)
Patience for all teachers during this time of year
All of the families that we had an opportunity to support this Christmas season